Welcome to the creative overload! I'm not sure what that means. I have been writing tons lately, which I'm thankful for, don't get me wrong. Hill Haven Creeps and the Halloween King is about 90 percent done. I've also just finished up the fourth draft of the Lovecraft Mysteries book 2, which I still don't have a title for. Arkham, Reanimated, maybe, but that kind of sounds like a video game to me, even though it is apropos for the story it comes from. You know, Herbert West.
The further adventures of Macky and Millie have been really fun to write, though. I enjoy them as characters and love the way they interact with each other. It's like a Mulder and Scully thing on a cheeky level in the world of Lovecraftian horror. Not a bad gig. But lots of fun to write. The ideas for book 3 are already brewing.
On the other side of all of this is a children's fantasy that I have been working on every summer for the last few years. I'm not sure where it's headed. I think it could be a trilogy, something along the lines of The Wizard of Oz meets Peter Pan, meets Roald Dahl, meets Narnia and something like Dickens, maybe, but every inch my own tale. I don't know. Does that even make sense? I'm just rolling with it, but it's a different place to be. So, for those of you who liked Castle Juliet and When We Were Dragons, something along those lines will be available in the distant future. I'm just not sure how distant.
On that note, things are going well. I've never written on this scale before, but I've never had so much fun doing it either. I look forward to how it all turns out and hope to give them everything I have. Some stories these days seem empty, bland, and formulaic, and I refuse to head in that direction. On that note, here is some more artwork I've found to capture the essence of Hill Haven Creeps...