Six years as an Indie, and the beat goes on. I've been investing in new book covers. Slowly but surely, with the help of derangeddoctordesign. I'll be redoing as much of my backlist as possible. I might even re-release them as new editions with no reviews, so if you want to review something, I would greatly appreciate it, especially if you liked the tale.
I've been at this for over 30 years now, writing, and I don't plan on giving up anytime soon. I am currently working on a Halloween horror tale that I'm hoping to release by Halloween next year. It's a fun, nostalgic sort of thing, but I want it to feel like Halloween. I'm also going to be getting back into this children's fantasy I was working on over the summer, and then maybe another Lovecraft Mystery to go with The Night of Dagon, all the while laboring diligently on my personal life and keeping the faith. It sounds exhausting, and partly is, but at least I'm staying busy.
Here's Deranged Doctor's latest design for Calliope, book 2 of my Divinity Series:
And All The Gods Against Me: (I realize the fonts don't quite match, which will be fixed in mid January. I just have to be patient.) Worlds Away is coming soon!